Monday, August 13, 2007

Every Learning Process Has a Beginning and an End

Are you not sure what to take notes on? Does it stress you out to look over your notes? Do you get stressed when you prepare for tests? If the answer is yes to any of the previous questions here are some suggestions to take you through the studying process.
Before going to any lecture, read the assignments. This builds a background for the information that will be presented. It will give you some familiarity with vocabulary and concepts, which can be especially helpful if the subject matter is unfamiliar. Try to make time to actively read. As you go over the material, underline and highlight important information. If you don’t have time to read the entire assignment, skim the material. This way you at least have some advance knowledge of the important points.
It may seem so rudimentary that it does not need to be said but I have to say it anyway. You need to go to the lecture and take notes. Most presenters will emphasize points of importance. Be ready, be attentive and write during the entire class. Don’t stop taking notes until the lecturer is done. Since many presenters will cram any information that they missed into the end of the lecture you will need to pay attention until they are finished. When you take notes use abbreviations. Whether you use a standard shorthand or your own private system, get as much detail as you can.
As soon as possible after the lecture look over the notes and make any additions or corrections while the material is still fresh in your mind. Pay special attention to any parts you didn’t understand or missed. Ask someone else who was there for help so you can fill in the missing information.
Try to boost self-confidence by passing all your first quizzes. Make up a list of study questions and definitions and practice saying this information aloud. You can do this by yourself or with another person. Study for short periods over several days instead of waiting and trying to cram everything in in the last minute. Finish with a review the night before.
When exam day arrives use the following strategies to make all your hard work pay off. It is important not to be hasty. Take the time, before you begin, to read directions carefully and look over the test. Start by answering all the questions you know first. Getting the questions that you are certain of out of the way will not only get you sure points but also help build confidence. Now start over at the beginning and be careful not to leave any blanks. At least try to answer even if you are not sure. It is better to have an answer that might be correct instead of leaving the space blank and certainly incorrect. Be aware of the time and manage it. Don’t rush, but don’t go too slow. Finally, after you have completed the exam, take a few minutes to it look over to be sure you have answered all questions and that your answers make sense.
By investing a small amount of effort in the process from the beginning you will enjoy the rewards at the end.

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